Welcome to my site at wincustomize.com. I enjoy graphic design, computers, skinning, skins, windowblinds, skinning object dock, and skinning anything. I like to customize by using skins, and anything else that I can get my hands on.
Zero's (rjsmith2007) introduction
Published on August 7, 2006 By tehZERO In New Users

My name is Ryan and my nick name is Zero.
I am new to skinning, but not new to the skinning community. My favorite area of skinning is skinning for Windowblinds. I have finished two skins: XP Format and Eminence. I am glad that so many in the community like my skin Eminene...65,484+ in less than a month w00t!


I have been doing graphic design for about two years, and want to give credit to the community that helped me to mature as a graphic designer: www.geekforum.com. The people there are very helpful and have showed me that there are many ways to express myself through graphic design.  This is one of the reasons I got to go the Missouri Fine Arts Academy (http://www.missouristate.edu/mfaa/). I really recommend any graphic designers to check out geekforum.com.

Before I got an internet connection, about two and a half years ago, I was always interested in changing the way that my desktop looked. Once I found wincustomize.com, I fell in love immediately.  Since that time I have been downloading skins from some of the most talented skinners around.  I felt selfish, so I decided that I wanted to give back to the community.  I created XP Format and then Eminence.  And... here I am now.

My Stats
Name: Ryan Smith
Nick Name: Zero
Email: rjsmith*2007*@*gmail.com (take out "*")
Age: 17
Hobbies: Web Design, Skinning, Gaming
Location: RURAL Missouri, USA
Website: rjsmith.templaytes.com, templaytes.com
Internet Connection: Dial Up 21.6Kbps in all its glory



on Aug 07, 2006
Zero....what up? first off let me say thank you for "Eminence". By far my most favorite blind, ive had it up since its release and have no plans on changing any time in the near future. second, i think your topic here in this thread is first class. keep up the great work and great attitude
on Aug 07, 2006
w00t! Thanks skinhit.


err...need to change my avatar.
on Aug 07, 2006
Welcome aboard, Ryan...
on Aug 07, 2006
I've already welcomed you to skinning.net and the world of skinning , but welcome to WC.  
on Aug 07, 2006

Ryan aka Zer0
on Aug 07, 2006

on Aug 07, 2006
Glad you are here! Welcome!
on Aug 07, 2006
on Aug 07, 2006
Welcome aboard, Zero!

...Quite an entrance. Very impressive.

Hope you stick around ...your work thus far is fantastic.

on Aug 07, 2006
Welcome to the twilight zone, or is that the GUI zone? I can never remember.

Fantastic job on Eminence. It takes advantage of WindowBlinds 5 features very well.

Your innate talent and studies seem to be doing well.
on Aug 07, 2006
Thanks wincustomizers! I hope you like my next skin as much as Eminence.

on Aug 07, 2006
Hey Ryan! Your Eminence skin is definitely one of the top skins in my book! Keep'em coming! And the docks for your skin are doing well also...4,431 downloads as of this posting!   
on Aug 07, 2006
Ryan. Keep up the good work. Eminence is great.