Zero's (rjsmith2007) introduction
My name is Ryan and my nick name is Zero. I am new to skinning, but not new to the skinning community. My favorite area of skinning is skinning for Windowblinds. I have finished two skins: XP Format and Eminence. I am glad that so many in the community like my skin Eminene...65,484+ in less than a month w00t!
I have been doing graphic design for about two years, and want to give credit to the community that helped me to mature as a graphic designer: The people there are very helpful and have showed me that there are many ways to express myself through graphic design. This is one of the reasons I got to go the Missouri Fine Arts Academy ( I really recommend any graphic designers to check out
Before I got an internet connection, about two and a half years ago, I was always interested in changing the way that my desktop looked. Once I found, I fell in love immediately. Since that time I have been downloading skins from some of the most talented skinners around. I felt selfish, so I decided that I wanted to give back to the community. I created XP Format and then Eminence. And... here I am now.
My Stats
Name: Ryan Smith
Nick Name: Zero
Email: rjsmith*2007*@* (take out "*")
Age: 17
Hobbies: Web Design, Skinning, Gaming
Location: RURAL Missouri, USA
Internet Connection: Dial Up 21.6Kbps in all its glory